Chakra’s a Sanscrit word which stands for a wheel. Chakras are wheels of energy and they help us function at optimal levels. If they don’t function properly, for example, if they spin too quickly or too slow, you may suffer from depression or illness. They are seven chakras, including the third eye one. Let’s find out… Read More…
The whole universe consists of energy, and your body is not immune to these energies. Many years ago, before the invention of modern science and technology, ancient principles were aware of this energy and that any living things, particularly human beings, carry a life force within them. The centres of these life energies are known… Read More…
Sankrit is the ancient language of Hinduism and Buddhism and means sanctified or consecrated. Most literary works of Hindu, Buddhist and Janism philosophy use it. Still to this day it is one of the 22 official languages of India. Chakra in Sanskrit language means a wheel and this wheel is used to signify a human… Read More…