Root Chakra For the Novice
Tags: 1st Chakra, BALANCING YOUR ROOT CHAKRA, Energizing Chakra, OVERACTIVE ROOT CHAKRA, Root Chakra, Slowing Chakra, UNDERACTIVE ROOT CHAKRAMuladhara is the Sanskrit for the 1st chakra commonly known as the Root Chakra. The root chakra is situated at the base of your spine traveling upwards to just below the belly button and is identified predominately with the color red – although some also say black or grey contain the root chakra energies. The… Read More…
7 Chakras For the Novice
Tags: 7 Chakras For the Novice, Buddhism, Chakra, Chakra Guide, Chakra in Sanskrit language, Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, Hindu, Hinduism and Buddhism, Sacral Chakra, Sexuality and Creativity, Solar Plexus Chakra, Taos, The Root Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat ChakraSankrit is the ancient language of Hinduism and Buddhism and means sanctified or consecrated. Most literary works of Hindu, Buddhist and Janism philosophy use it. Still to this day it is one of the 22 official languages of India. Chakra in Sanskrit language means a wheel and this wheel is used to signify a human… Read More…
All You Need to Know About The Tranny Dating Scene for Ladyboys
Tags: Ladyboys in Asian countries, Ladyboys in Thailand, Ladyboys in the Philippines, Ladyboys in the rest of the world, taoism and transgender, taos and lgbtq, tranny dating, Tranny Dating Scene for LadyboysIn a nutshell, a ladyboy is a transgender woman of Asian descent, although there are a few nuances between the two. The word itself is pretty controversial, and depending on who you are talking to, you will either be chastised for your insensitive rudeness or just recognized as someone who knows their own tastes. How… Read More…
Changing My Diet Made My Sex Life Better!
Tags: food and love, improving learning and memory, save your mid-life relationship crisis, sex and diet, stabilisation of moods, tao sex dietHave you ever noticed that when you stop eating heavy carbs and junk for a few days, your sex drive boosts? Have you ever been out to dinner, had 5-6 oysters then as soon as you got in the car to go home you’re ready to rip your partner’s clothes off? When you consciously aim… Read More…
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